About Us | Omni Security

About Us

Young and driven allies on the lookout for new ways of defending against hackers. Learn about Omni Security's mission and meet the team.

Meet Our Team

Profile pictures of Omni Security members

Eman Ćatić

Skilled security engineer with 4+ years of experience in penetration testing, bug bounties and CTF competitions.

Profile pictures of Omni Security members

Almir Dautbegović

Passionate tech salesman, skilled copywriter crafting clear text to help non-tech folks grasp security issues.

Profile pictures of Omni Security members

Rijad Gadžo

Experienced DevSecOps engineer with a background in penetration testing in numerous companies around the world.

Profile pictures of Omni Security members

Džemal Dzananović

Skilled mobile security engineer that will help you integrate the best security solutions to your application codebase.

Competitions We've Won

Unija Challenge 2023

This was the first introduction of cyber security categories at Unija Challenge. Omni Security faced the challenge of retesting Unija's applications after a security assessment was done by another company.

Ultimately, we've found security issues and emerged as the competition winners.

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Nsoft Nsecure Code CTF

Post-FIT victory, our reputation echoed in Mostar. Invited by Nsoft, we tackled their unique CTF challenges.
Despite a 3-hour delay from a traffic accident, our expertise shined through.

Eman Ćatić got access all flags just in time, securing another win.

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FIT Coding Challenge 2022

FIT never had under-18 contestants; Omni Security team almost faced disqualification. With a 6-year age gap, our pro experience prevailed.
We aced the challenge in under 2 hours.

In summary, Eman Ćatić and Džemal Džananović are FIT Coding Challenge's youngest-ever winners.

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Why Choose Us?

Picture of competition - Omni Security

Retesting Included

We offer free retesting for patched vulnerabilities, ensuring your system's security

Picture of competition - Omni Security

Time Efficient

We strive to deliver quality services 3x faster, no matter the size of your projects.

Picture of competition - Omni Security

Included Bonuses

We always include bonuses free of charge alongside our basic services for our clients.

Ready to implement better security? Take your first step.

Regardless of past cyber security neglect, we will help secure all of your vulnerable attack points.
